KAIWEI LPS Limited is a pioneer in customizing different types of Grounding rods & electrodes in a variety of sizes to suit our customer’s requirement. Following this practice KaiWei has built and designed copper bonded electrode using state-of-the-art technology to serve grounding requirement efficiently.
Copper bonded Electrode has been made using Flat-in-pipe technology. In this, the outer conductor is coated with 100 micron copper coating and the annular space between the outer conductor and the inner conductor is filled with a crystalline mixture and then is sealed from both the ends. The crystalline mixture is highly conductive as well as anti corrosive in nature. It provides low impedance grounding which is essential to protect transmitting facilities and personnel from external or internal electrical anomalies. With the incorporation of innovative designs and implementation of cutting edge technology, we offer a broad range of sizes of Copper Bonded Earth Electrodes offering a cost effective and efficient grounding system.

Copper bonded grounding electrode is the most able equipment & is advocated for earthing purpose due to its superior resistance to oxidization. In this type of grounding system, the main earth electrode is protected from corrosion by the copper bonding and the crystalline mixture filled within the electrode.
With the use of components of high quality that get procured from reliable vendors of the market, we offer Back Fill Compound Jam Fill). These products find application in many industries spread across the country. The products offered by us eliminate the use of salt and charcoal around the electrodes. Our products have following: